Day 3 here ending and I was ready to be home a few hours in. I know that many of you know I am in the hospital on bed rest and have been since Friday eve/Sat Morn 1AM. But for those of you who don't know I guess I will start with Friday night.
Friday night I noticed I was bleeding around 11PM. It wasn't an enormous amount of blood so we decided to drive to our Hospital in Eugene. At first we were told it was A placental abruption. At first I was showing all the signs. The numbers in my blood count shot down and I started to go into labor. I started having contractions close together and I dialated to 3. Then it all stopped. Which is good because I was only 35 weeks. Bella Is healthy and her heart is so amazingly strong right now. We are really proud of her.
Today my O.B. came and talked to us. He ordered me an ultra sound and said if it came back looking good I should get to leave Tomorrow. This however was before he ordered some blood testing. So now we are still in some sort of limbo of not knowing what is really going on with me or how long we will be here. Today I started having some pretty bad 'light-headedness' and shortness of breath. We thought that this must all be related to my anemia, however my iron levels are great. Now we have gotten other blood tests back and 3 of them came back a significant amount below what they should be at the lowest. It is looking like my body has stopped making red blood cells. We are so ready to be home and hopeful that we can get home tomorrow. It is hard to be in a time of waiting, and not understanding what any of this means for me or baby.
So that is kinda all the physical of what is going on. As far as emotional this has been very difficult. The unknown can be a terrifying thing. Seth and I have found it so difficult to be here without Elina. We as a family compete each other and her absence have left us feeling incomplete, and anxious. Most days it actually overrides my worries of what is going on with me.
I know this is a lot to take in. We are trying to understand it all ourselves.
Thank you for reading this and caring for us. We are so grateful for our support right now.
God is so good. We know in time this will all make sense to us.
I love you so much sister. Praying for you and your little family daily.
My sweet Evie, you are such a brave strong woman! I love you SO much! I am praying for you.
Our prayers go out to you all. God's hand is with you always and He is by your side. Hang in there! and feel comfort in the many prayers your family and friends are saying for you guys!!! Love ya!!!
Aw, Evie. You and your family are in our thoughts.
Much love to you Evie! Judah and I will be praying for you!
hey love, im praying for you and baby ella.
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