Sunday, January 16, 2011


So the Test came back showing what we pretty much already knew. I indeed have Cholestasis. Even though we saw this coming the reality of it all is something that is more than slightly hard to swallow. In one test my possibility of ever having a home birth has been cut down by 90%. I know that maybe some people wont understand my sadness in this. But birth is and has been for the past 3 years my PASSION. I love it! Love the beauty of it! Love the moment when sweet little baby enters the world as goes right onto mommy. That sweet moment that I so wanted to experience in the comfort and warmth of my home. I was able to have Elina at Bella Vie birthing center and that was wonderful. I will still get to experience that sweet moment with Bella, just not in the same environmental as was hoped for. I am grateful that the hospital where I am having Bella has started a new approach to child birth that is much like a midwives approach. Once the baby is born, as long as the baby is healthy, the little one goes straight to the mommy and does not leave her for at least an hour or more. And when they do take her for a short moment it is only to weigh and get measurements.

Sorry this is all a bunch of rambles... I hope that I am able to convey my hearts sadness at this time in a way that helps some to understand what I am feeling.

But please do not let this come out as if I am in anyway ungrateful for my healthy baby GIRL! I am so thrilled to meet her in just a few short weeks, and also so thrilled that she can be born healthy. I do love my Doctor and my Midwife/doula both so much. They are both extremely supportive of no epidural, as little if any pitocin. They are going to try some other was to induce first Pit is kinda a last resort thing.

On a very exciting note, we have some wonderful pictures of our sweet girl! Here is little Bella Coquille!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Test results tomorrow.

Tomorrow the test results will be in for whether or not I have Cholestasis. I am considered at this point a presumed case. Which means my Dr. and Midwife are assuming I have it even without results. There is just nothing else at this point that could be causing all these symptoms. I have started the 2 trips a week to Eugene and the meds... which is kinda helping but more just making me tired at night that I can sleep. About every other night I wake up scratching my legs and they are burning. I find that if I keep myself busy it is harder to pay attention to the itching. However it also wears me out to do to too much. We are continuing to go on with inducement plans :/ Kinda crazy how all my birth plans have been turned upside down in a matter of days. But I am grateful that we have the availability to even do this to keep our sweet girl safe. Even if I can not have an awesome home birth in my tub... at least I have a super awesome jacuzzi tub. :D For now we are planing to induce 3-4 weeks from today! Crazy. I went from having 8 weeks left to 4.
At this point that is all the update I have. I have an appointment tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.
I'll try to keep you all updated.

Birth Music...

My ears have been enjoying the sweet melodic sounds of Cat Power.
However I have been wanting to hear Nico Case and she is no where to be found. This is sad.

However this musicy mood has got me thinking. I need to start looking forward to what is going to be serenading the birth of my beautiful sweet Bella. With Elina I listened to Iron and Wine, and Sigur Ros. Both excellent choices.
Maybe Some Explosions...
Any Suggestions?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bella = Baya

BTW Our name is pronounced Baya. The double 'L's are silent. It's Spanish for beautiful.

It's a GIRL???!!!

Um... what? hahaha.
SO as many of you know we were told boy at around 20 weeks. However during the appointment to day we had an ultrasound the revealed we are undoubtedly having a baby GIRL!
Welcome baby BELLA COQUILLE!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I don't really know where to start. Our world in the last 7 months has drastically changed. One of those changes includes our sweet baby that is growing in my stomach.
With The pregnancy alone I have had many physical battles, that have left me housebound for days at a time. Broken foot, bad cold, pre-term labor scare... But the most recent development is possibly causing Seth and I to step outside our comfort zone into what is, for us, unknown.
On Friday morning I woke with a slight cold that developed into an all out cold with fever and other symptoms. On Monday evening I started becoming very itchy. At first I thought it was normal pregnancy and dismissed it. Then the itching started to progress. Since Friday I had a hard time sleeping at night, but dismissed it because of the cold. By Tuesday I was feeling better but then Tuesday night I slept only 2 hours because the itching became so overwhelming I couldn't sleep through it. I called my midwife and we started monitoring it. Wednesday night I only slept 20 min. My feet felt like they were burning and my whole body itched. After trying topical creams and other meds we realized that all my symptoms lead to a condition called Cholestasis of Pregnancy.
Cholestasis is a condition that affects your liver. The normal flow of bile in the gallbladder is affected by the high amounts of pregnancy hormones. Pregnancy hormones affect gallbladder function, resulting in slowing or stopping the flow of bile. The gallbladder holds bile that is produced in the liver, which is necessary in the breakdown of fats in digestion. When the bile flow is stopped or slowed down, this causes a build up of bile acids in the liver which can spill into the bloodstream.
The spill out can also be referred to as bile salt. Your body then tries to get rid of this by seeping it out through the skin causing extreme irritation and itching. (I think I have this all right) This being the case, anything topical will not work or your normal antihistamines. Because the itch is actually under the skin not on the surface. It is coming from inside. So if you do scratch it only multiplies the pain and itching. So my first question was, How is this going to effect my sweet little baby? Cholestasis may increase the risks for fetal distress, preterm birth, or stillbirth. A developing baby relies on the mother’s liver to remove bile acids from the blood; therefore, the elevated levels of maternal bile cause stress on the baby’s liver.
Tomorrow morning I am going to Eugene to see a specialist to get testing done. My midwife along with the specialist are pretty sure that I have this. All my symptoms point in the direction of this condition. The test will take around a week to get results back, however because of my lack in sleep and inability to function properly I am starting the medication tomorrow. If the medication works then it would seem very obvious that I have this condition. If the test comes back positive, it means major changes in my birth plan. From now up until birth (about 4-5 weeks) I would have to go to Eugene twice a week for ultra sound checks on baby. I would have to have a hospital birth, and I would have to be induced at around 35 weeks. For most of you who know Seth and I this would normally be something that would shake us up. But Seth and I both have a significant amount of peace surrounding this. The most important part of this whole thing is that our sweet little bay is safe and healthy! If this is the case my midwife will continue to play a significant role in my prenatal and postpartum care, as well as being present at my birth.

I know this is a lot to take in, and a lot to be praying for! Please join us in praying for safety and Papa's guidance. We have comfort in our Father and peace with our situation. Also pray for Elina to have a peace as well. She can feel the emotions of those around her very easily and is greatly affected by it. She is an amazing little chica. Thanks.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Remembering my passions...

Seth and Elina! (and little baby in my belly too!!!)

Someday Building our own Cob house!!!

Making all our own baby wipes solution using Organic Bamboo muslin wipes.
All Natural Baby Wipes Solution
• 1 cup water
• 1/4 cup Aloe Vera Juice
• 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
• 1 tablespoon Calendula Oil
• 1 teaspoon grated, unscented soap
• 2 drops Lavender Oil
• 2 drops Tea Tree Oil

Growing our garden. Taking another step toward becoming self sustaining.