Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Testing the bounds

In our house we have a ceramic tiled area on which Elina is not allowed to crawl. I am not just being a mean parent, I assure you, the tile surrounds our wood fireplace. However there have been many times where she will definitely try to straddle the thin line between carpet and tile. Today was the day she crossed the thin line into the tile.I was in the kitchen preparing our lunch. (From the kitchen i can see the entire living room including this tiled area) Elina kept a close eye on me awaiting the moment I would look down. Something on the tile had caught her attention...the cat. She knew of the consequences but all was lost as she gazed into the cats eyes.

I looked down and she took off.

meanwhile in the kitchen...

While cutting some bread I noticed that Goober (brit's cat) was sprawled out on the tile, and Elina was seemingly captured by her. This wasn't unusual, Elina was always captured by 'kitty'. I thought to myself 'The tile must be Goober safe zone from Elina.' I noticed Elina was inching forward toward the tile. I called out her name to catch her attention. Elina looked up her huge eyes full of innocence. I smiled and looked down to cut the bread. All of a sudden I hear the slapping of hands and knees on ceramic tile, quickly followed by shrills of joy and excitement. I look up to see Elina going absolutely crazy!! Jumping around and throwing her hands up, almost as if she were doing some crazy tribal dance!!

then the moment came...when her gaze met mine.

She scooted backwards so fast off that tile I thought she was going to fall over.
quickly covered my mouth to hide the enormous smile. I slowly started to walk around the couter...

The tears came.
I didn't even have to say a word.

I picked her up and placed her in her 'pouty chair' aka time out.
she only sat for about 20 seconds. And then gave me a hug and stopped crying.

All was forgiven.

While Elina was in the pouty chair I pulled out my phone to take a picture...I couldn't resist capturing the moment. (keep in mind this is a picture phone...not great quality)


Unknown said...

That is just hilarious. There are definitely layers of complexity developing in her personality and behavior. Watching her learn how to obey and disobey, as well as the ramifications of each, is really fun. I don't worry too much about her occasional forays into disobedience, because she's not a rebellious kid. She's just learning. What a sweetie. :D

Sophia said...

haha that is the most I have seen her look like my baby pictures ever! when she is crying blah! haha So the conclusion to this is Alina looked like me when she was first born all swolen and when she cry's and thats it! sad, you know my kid is gonna come out looking like you! haha. but, that would make me happy!

Unknown said...

aw that s so sad and funny all at the same time!