Saturday, March 19, 2011


This morning I woke up and realized that I really wanted some sweet time with my big little chica! So we decided to make crepes for breakfast!!

Elina was very helpful in mixing the ingredients for the crepe batter!

And she was very helpful at cleaning it up!

Can't have crepes without the homemade whipped cream!! (Heavy cream, vanilla, and Evaporated cane juice!!)

Elina Holding the cup for me While we whipped the cream!

Elina got nervous while whipping the cream and let go of the cup, and the cream went flying. :D

Whipped Cream!

We cut up some strawberries and finished cooking!!

Crepes are her favorite! Probably because it is one of the only times I'll give her cream and sugar!! :D

The Finished Product!

What a wonderful time with my Elina. And they were delicious!


Amy Shore said...

Evie, that was great! I love that girl, she is so great! You are so blessed that our Amazing Father God gave her to!

HattonHome said...

So... What time is breakfast? We'll be there! jk... lol
Seriously though those are some great pictures of wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing :)
Miss you, we need to get together :)