As my husband and I prepare for our second child, I have been thinking more and more of what I will use to clean and care for my little one. It has become increasingly easier and harder for moms to get natural organic products for baby. With more choices than ever before of true honest organic products. But along with that comes high prices and the twisting and spinning of words. Most people don't realize that the label word 'Natural' means nothing. There are no government regulations to have that label on your product. Or the latest word 'Green'.
When I go to buy my sweet baby's bath wash I don't want to have to decipher the riddle on the ingredients label. I want to know exactly what I am exposing my child to.
My husband and I are always look for a way to save some money, but with our Kids we have realized that there well being has to come over cost. However sometimes, the cost doesn't have to be so high. I was thrilled to find this site with some wonderful recipes for making your own products! That means as mom (or dad) you regulate what is truly going into each thing (bath wash, powder, oil)!
It is truly cost efficient and a great way to still put baby first!
"Many conventional baby products contain questionable ingredients such as parabens, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), talc, and synthetic perfumes and fragrances. All of these ingredients can have adverse effects on the health and well being of your baby, so it is no wonder that many parents have chosen to take matters into their own hands.
Parents are now finding that it is easy, more cost effective, and safer to make their own baby products with natural ingredients. By stocking your pantry with a few key natural ingredients you can make all sorts of natural baby products for baby. You don’t have to be a chemist to create luxurious, baby friendly products that are all natural.
Here are a few easy recipes for natural baby products that are sure to please:
All Natural Baby Wipes Solution
• 1 cup water
• 1/4 cup Aloe Vera Juice
• 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
• 1 tablespoon Calendula Oil
• 1 teaspoon grated, unscented soap
• 2 drops Lavender Oil
• 2 drops Tea Tree Oil
Mix in a jar and then pour over organic cloth wipes or paper towels. This baby wipe solution is anti-fungal and great for discouraging yeast diaper rashes.
Homemade Baby Powder (Talc-free)
½ cup corn starch
½ cup Arrowroot powder
1 tablespoon dried ground chamomile
1 tablespoon dried ground lavender
¼ cup finely ground oats
Blend well and put in a shaker style bottle. Now you can powder your baby’s little bottom in safety.
Baby Bath Milk
1 cup milk
¼ cup corn starch
¼ cup finely ground oats
2-3 drops lavender, rose, or chamomile essential oils
Mix ingredients together and put in a shaker style bottle. To use, sprinkle a small amount in warm bath water.
A Better Baby Oil
1 cup Grapeseed or Apricot Kernel oil
4-6 drops lavender or chamomile essential oils
1-2 vitamin E capsules (optional)
Squeeze the vitamin E capsules into the oils and mix together. Store in a dark colored bottle and use as a bath or massage oil.
Lavender Dryer Sachets
1 small muslin drawstring bag (you can usually get these at craft stores)
Dried Lavender
2-3 drops lavender essential oil
Fill the muslin bag with the dried lavender and add the essential oil. Close the bag tightly and throw in the dryer along with your baby clothes. They will be super soft and they will smell great!
The skin is the body’s largest organ and it has the ability to absorb things that is comes into contact with. With that in mind do you want to expose your baby to potentially harmful chemicals or safe and natural ingredients? Most parents would agree that ensuring your baby products are completely natural is worth it. These recipes should help you get started.
Making our own baby products with all natural ingredients is fun to do, it saves money, and most importantly it ensures that our babies’ delicate immune systems are not unduly taxed by harmful product ingredients. Most of the ingredients listed above can be bought at conventional supermarkets and natural food stores so you can pick some up on your regular shopping trips."
Originally Posted by Jessica Fuqua on March 3, 2009
Also here are 2 great site that shows how to make other great natural products for around the house!!