Any who. We just got back from taking the students to Six Flags in Valencia. The weather was nice, the park however was not. Never go to six flags if you are prego. Especially in the off season. Half of the rides were closed, as were most of the other attractions. Not that it even matters. Everything had a huge sign next to it with a picture of prego with a little human in her belly and a huge red 'X' over it. Makes sense I guess:) Seth, Paul (my brother) and I ended up sitting at some table playing different card games. It was riveting. Ha, well at least the students enjoyed it!
My belly is growing more and more everyday! It is so exciting. Elina is now big enough that I can pretty much feel her every move. It is such an amazing thing when Seth and I can just sit and watch her go crazy in my belly. The thought of having a a little naked human living in my belly is kinda crazy. I find the more time I spend with my freinds and families children the more I get excited. It is just so incredible how smart they are. I love spending time with Caylan and little Nalia! Nalia is such a bright girl. I tried to teach her to play cards but she just mostly wanted to spread them everywhere. For as young as she is, she does know that I have a baby in my belly and just like her mommy she has such a gentle touch when it comes to 'petting' a pregnant belly. She just sat next to me petting my belly and laying her little head on it. Caylan has taught Nalia well. She is a wonderful mommy, and freind.
I really need to get to bed. God bless you all.
On to anoter week at Western.